Check out program details below
Program starting MAY 8TH 7:00 PM CENTRAL TIME
Are you ready to transform your life by freeing yourself from inflammation?
IMAGINE what your life would look like when you......
You are sick and tired of being sick and tired.
You desire more peace, balance, and harmony in your body and your life.
You are ready to free yourself from inflammation that robs you of your perfect health and life.
Dig deeper and heal the emotional and mental root causes of inflammation so you can feel energized and vibrant.
Create balance and harmony with your relationship with foods, your body, and your environment.
Dissolve resistance in your emotional, mental, and energetic space so you can manifest the healthy and dynamic body you desire.
The Solution
We transform the negative programming and clear the emotional charges that keep our body in a state of resistance, that keep us stuck in fight or flight mode, (sympathetic mode), that keep us stressed out preventing our bodies from returning to a state of balance, peace, and harmony (parasympathetic mode) where we have optimal self-repair and healing capabilities.
We reprogram the body/mind.
You are designed to heal yourself.
You are far more powerful than you are permitted to believe.
IN FACT, every medical study has proven one simple fact: The mind can heal the body. Few drugs can equal the body’s self-healing capabilities.
The True Magic Exists in You!
10 Week Magical Program includes
Ten Group Healing Sessions
Ten Powerful One hour Group Healing Sessions all performed on the zoom platform and recorded for your convenient access anytime.
Energetic Allergy Healing & Belief Clearing
Release trapped emotions, traumas, and negative programming and release resistance in the body that creates inflammation. Increase your body's ability to get into healing mode
101 Belief Downloads
Receive 101 Transformational Downloads to reprogram the brain and heart to create space for healing. Create new neural pathways in the brain to open yourself to miracles in your life.
Learn Grounding & Connecting Techniques
Learn to maintain your energy to reduce outside negative influences and improve Chi. Learn how to connect to your divinity to create a space for healing
Tune In to Your Body's Wisdom
Learn simple techniques to tune into your unique body's needs and connect energy circuits.
VIP Facebook Group
Have access to a VIP facebook group where .you receive support from me and have access to all the recordings and training material
But that's not all......
Receive 4 Transformational Bonuses
By committing to this powerful investment in your health,
you will also receive the following bonuses!
Re-listen to the recordings whenever you need deeper healing, an immune system boost, or are facing a stressful situation that may trigger you. You will receive lifetime access to all the recordings!
Learn to balance the internal organs and clear the main emotions that contribute to stress and dis-ease in 2-4 minutes with this Accunect technique. Release your stress and overwhelm and learn to process emotions in a healthy way with this amazing technique. This has been a game changer for myself and my clients!
Check out program details below
Week One
Program introduction
Learn to balance your brain and heart to communicate fully.
Receive 101 belief feeling downloads (powerful phrases that help you release negative beliefs and emotions so you can heal faster and more effectively)
Energetic allergy healing will focus on healthy brain to body communication, calcium, proteins, and sugars.
Week Two
Receive an energetic allergy healing for all kinds of vitamins, sun radiation, and fatty acids and start work with people, places and emotions.
Belief work will focus around healing and light (we are all light energy)
Learn how to increase your light energy vibration
Week Three
Receive an energetic allergy healing for minerals, earth elements and heavy metals.
Learn different techniques to ground yourself and be in your body and why this is important.
Belief work will focus on grounding, being connected, being supported, and feeling joy.
Week Four
Receive an energetic allergy healing for yeasts, fungus, molds, parasites, salts, and organs, glands, parts of body.
Belief work will focus on releasing anger, hatred, resentment, and dual beliefs impacting relationships in life.
Week Five
Learn how to create a sacred space for healing you can use daily.
Receive an energetic allergy healing for the emotional heart, the whole skeletal system, the body systems, and more parts of the body.
Learn how to use your intuition as a tool for healthy choices.
Week Six
Receive an energetic allergy healing for an extensive list of foods and beverages.
Belief work will focus on releasing negative programming around foods/drinks.
Receive bonus activations to return to a state of balance and harmony with food and your body.
Imagine what it feels like to eat food without FEAR of an adverse reaction.
Week Seven
Receive an energetic allergy healing for all chemicals and pollutants.
Belief work will focus on returning to balance with our environment, chemicals, pollutants and the planet.
Receive more bonus alignments to support the healing of the body.
Week Eight
Receive an energetic allergy healing for your home, environment, pollens, dust, transportation, climate and more emotions.
Belief work will focus on releasing the reactions and allergies to environmental agents and chemicals in your home and environment.
Learn the bonus powerful emotional clearing technique.
Week Nine
Receive an energetic allergy healing for animals, pets, insects, processes of the body, drugs and meds.
Belief work will focus on feeling safe, clearing negative programming, and returning to balance and harmony with the animal kingdom, insects, our bodies,
drugs, and medications.
Week Ten
Receive an energetic allergy healing and belief work for 100s of viruses, bacteria and emotions in order to release the same belief systems and negative emotions that you share with these living organisms that create health issues.
Receive bonus sacred activations to break free from viral and bacterial patterns by releasing negative emotions such as guilt, shame, resentment and self-punishment.
Bonus Healing sessions
Three bonus group healing videos using powerful tapping techniques from cutting edge health systems--- Accunect and Bodytalk.
We tap into the innate wisdom of our body to identify priority areas that the body is ready to bring to awareness in order to ignite self healing and create optimal health.
Video release dates dependent on group needs during program.
VIP Individual Sessions
The Inflammation To Transformation program with Kristi has given me life! No joke! I showed up with soooo much trauma, lack of self confidence and limiting beliefs that bond me.
After the first session I felt a difference. I felt energy starting to shift in my body and began releasing things that no longer served me.
After completing more sessions I am a different person. I have made big changes in my career and personal life and I am on the verge of many more positive endeavors. I am able to meditate again and I have a more profound understanding of myself and my needs and a renewed sense of purpose and self worth.
Kristi’s program has been so beneficial for me that I tell everyone about it! It is just so amazing and the relief for me was instantaneous. I listen to the program recordings often and I feel the more I do , the better I feel.
Kristi's Inflammation to Transformation Program is amazing. Kristi really helped with my fibromyalgia pain and I have seen a huge difference in my day to day life! I wasn't sure if this program would work for me but I had been to so many doctors, pain management places, chiropractors and physical therapists.
I had tried everything and nothing was helping. I don't know exactly when the shift happened, but recently I realized I am not in pain anymore like I used to be.
My life is so much better now and it literally all started because of this 10 week program. So if you are in pain, if you have issues that doctors can't figure out, please look into this program. I am 1,000% a believer in this program now!
Kristi's Inflammation to Transformation Program is completely amazing.
I suffer from chronic pain and severe food sensitivities. Certain foods would even make me vomit.
After completing the program, I've seen significant improvements in my chronic foot pain and my food sensitivities have diminished. I no longer vomit after eating normally irritating foods. I have found the recordings are very beneficial to assist me in my healing process.
I am grateful for the continued improvements in my health and her amazing way of helping people move towards becoming the best version of themselves.
3 or 4 Payment Plans Available too!
4 Amazing Bonuses
Lifetime Access
By purchasing this program, you are acknowledging you have read the terms of service.
Full payment of $450.00
2 payments of $250.00
Privacy Policy: We hate SPAM and promise to keep your email address safe.
We are connected - to the planet, to the Source, to ourselves, to each other. Awaken to this connection, and observe how the shift in consciousness impacts your life